Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pre-KK symptoms

1st May 2009, a very special date in my calendar. It is when one of my dreams will be fulfilled. Amidst the excitement exuded from my exterior, there is a lot of trepidation and concerns inside. Will my injured ankle fail me? It has been more than 1 month but my ankle has not fully recovered from the sprained ligament. Will my condition allow me to conquer Mount Kinabalu without hiccups?

Besides the adrenaline rush of scaling Mount Kinabalu that thrills me, it is the idea of going on another trip with my besties. Since schooling years till now, we have gone through a whole lot. Who wouldn't have when you've walked through around 10 years together. From the innocent, rebellious teenagers to the matured, wacky young adults. We witnessed the transformation of each and everyone. Gosh, no idea where the sudden nostalgia came from, *grins*.

Anyway, my heart has flown to Kota Kinabalu where the grand, serene highest peak awaits me. Do tune in for the details next week. There will be a great story to be told.

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